Restaurations / Tooth decay

When there is tooth decay, there is an infectious disease. Cavity develops slowly and over time destroys the hard tissue of the tooth.

The sugars found in foods and the action of bacteria in our mouths are the main causes of tooth decay. These bacteria are found in the dental plaque and if it is not removed by means of brushing, the sugars are transformed into acids and attack the tooth by forming a hole on its surface: it is tooth decay.

If tooth decay is not treated, it may eventually wait for the pulp (located in the center of the tooth, where the blood vessels and nerves are)

Symptoms :
The symptoms will vary according to the stage of evolution.

  • When decay is limited to enamel, there is usually no pain
  • When the caries reaches the dentine, the tooth will be sensitive to hot and cold
  • When the caries reaches the dental pulp, there will be a “tooth rage”
  • If the dental pulp is infected, there will be a tooth abscess (intense pain with slings)

Treatments :

Dental caries will be treated by the dentist. It will remove the affected area and use a material to replace the missing part of the tooth. The most used materials for treating decayed teeth are :

  • The amalgam (restoration of gray color)
  • The composite (restoration of white color)
  • CEREC ceramics (sustainable restoration that comes closest to natural enamel)
Restaurations - Carie dentaire - Dentisterie Générale